Festive Delivery Backpack / Winter Event – The Division 2


Embark on a series of 15 festive projects designed to captivate and amuse you during the holiday season, all set in the heart of Washington, D.C. These engaging activities are open to all players, whether or not they have the WONY expansion.

And what’s a holiday without presents right?

Upon successfully finishing the Winter Project, you’ll be rewarded with special gifts, including 14 cosmetic items and a unique Named Grupo Sombra Backpack that adds a touch of festive charm to your character.

The exclusive Festive Delivery Named Backpack awaits those who complete the entire Winter Project chain. Once the projects are successfully concluded, you can obtain this special backpack through encounters with The Hoarder.

Festive DeliveryTalent: Fireworks Show
Named BackpackConcussion grenades become Festive Grenades.
Hitting an enemy with a Festive Grenade will cause explosions to happen around two other enemies within 20m.

Every day, fresh projects become accessible in the chain. After logging in, the next project in line will be ready for you to begin. Once completed, the subsequent project will unlock. You have the freedom to finish these projects at your preferred pace, but keep in mind that all of them must be completed by January 9th!


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